SARDIS is an independent advisory firm specialised in serving a handful of clients within long-term relationships, each generally covering multiple diverse corporate advisory assignment. Individual projects may comprise contexts such as, inter alia:

  • Strategic Reviews, including sectoral&geographic expansion, and commercial approach

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (Sell-Side / Buy-Side / Dual-Track)

  • Capital Raising, for both Funds and Firms, including studies of investors with optimal fit

Our senior team is deeply involved in driving every aspect of each assignment.

Our client typology comprises primarily:

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Funds, such as Private Equity and Venture Capital firms

  • Growth companies seeking to shape their rapid scaling into a methodical development strategy and implementation, covering key aspects such as: product/service pathway, market verticals analysis, sector segmentation and customer approach strategy, organigramme planning, financing trajectory and execution, and mergers&acquisitions

  • Global consolidators

Our clients have enabled us to serve them within long-lasting assignments, building relationships of trust over many years.